That’s why groups like the South American Nazis, the Cattle Mutilators, the fluoridators, the Communists, the oil companies and the United Nations, are in there.” “As much as possible, I wanted to retain the ‘flavour’ of the conspiracy material I’d been reading. Logically, then, a wacky game should be more fun to play. Among all the material I’d read, the articles with the really wacky theories - even if they were presented totally seriously - were the most fun to read. Mr Jackson explained that he had carried out extensive research into cults and conspiracy theories and observed: “It’s possible to get deadly serious about the idea of conspiracies and assassinations. “Giant golden dope-smuggling submarines, talking dolphins, anarchistic midgets, the holy man underneath Dealy Plaza (the Dealy Lama, of course), dozens of secret organisations with obscene acronyms, and a final deus ex machina in the form of a real live (and horny) goddess… Even if you could figure out who was on whose side, which I didn’t think I could, how could you make a game out of it? But it was such a fascinating thought!”